Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bookshelf Fixed!

My bookshelf has been fixed for a couple of days.  The heat and haze is making lazy to organize and shelf up my collection.  I need to organize them by author and/or by subject. I am a consummate reader.  So my collection is fairly big.  I am continuing to buy books whenever Kino has 20% discount.  However, there are still many books that I possessed that I have not read yet.  So I need to giddy up on my reading.  Many are also books I keep for reference.  So I should not be too hard on myself for not reading all my books.

My neighbour was sitting beside me and noticed my strong reactions while I was reading.  She was a little surprised and then starts telling me she has never read a single book in so far.   She is simply someone who does not like reading.

I will spend the weekend just me and my books and get them back to their rightful place.

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