Sunday, June 02, 2013

A Nice Sunday!

This morning, while waiting for The Wife to wash up and get ready, I decided to call my father-in-law for breakfast.  My mother-in-law pick up the call and I asked her where she is.  She answered my question with a question!  Where are you?  I told her I am at home and "where are you?" I asked again. She answered again with another question "what do you want?"  So I got tired and told her I asked her where she is first and I also answer her question.  Then she laughed and said they are going for breakfast at the coffeeshop opposite the Serangoon Community Club.  I told her I will join them.  When I told my wife I am going to have breakfast with her parents, her first question was am I going alone?  My response was you are going to take a long time to get ready... she gave me "The Look!" and I hurriedly continues I will wait for you.  It was my survival instinct kicking in.

Anyway, while having breakfast, I talk about mother-in-law being bored in the office.  Father-in-law plays computer games while she just wander about cleaning and finding things to do.  I told her I bought a TV antenna for her which is taking up space at home.  She say it is very troublesome as she will need to get a TV.   I was intrigue by the Chrome book and say I will buy her a computer for her to watch her shows instead.  So after breakfast, we adjourn to the Courts in AMK Central.  We ended up buying a Sony computer for $669 instead of the Chrome book which costs only $450.

B3 was interested in the terrapin at the Pet Walk.  I told him if he can set up the tank so that the terrapin has a chance to rest, I will get him a terrain.  While we were shopping for computer, he went to Popular to get the plastic sheet for make the platform for the terrain. Once we are home, he goes right to work making the platform in the hot sun.  He got it done, once again, we go to Pet Walk to buy the terrapin.  Terrapin cost $3.50 instead of regular price of $2.50 as there are no stock.  So we just brought one terrapin home.  B3 is happy fussing over his terrapin.

I am very happy to make MIL and B3 happy.

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