Saturday, March 30, 2013

Blogging can get you into Trouble

I have been blogging for a few years now.  After reading on the news on how writers have the discipline to write everyday, I promised to write every day.  Sometimes, I could not due to travelling and in China, it is not possible sign into blogger.  Over time I hope my practise will improve my writing and I can get more readers.

Well, I am not sure if my prose has improve.  My readership has not gone up significantly.  At least it is in the double digits.  I blog like a public diary.  So this can get me into trouble sometimes.  Get this!  My mother-in-law told my wife to bring me to treat my fall injuries.  She is fairly insistent.  I was surprised she knows.  So I checked with my wife.  So she asked her mother.  My MIL said it is me who told my eldest sister-in-law. 

What a surprise!  I did not talk to my eldest sister-in-law.  I realised she reads my blog and tell my MIL that I told her.  This is so troublesome.  Blogging mean I am living in a goldfish bowl.

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