Saturday, February 16, 2013

Singapore Students Have No Life!

Saturday is tuition day.  Recently, the newspaper has an analysis of why the TFR is so low.  TFR is the total fertility rate.  The cost of having a child in Singapore is $900,000.  Yes, almost a million dollars.  The majority of the cost goes to parallel education system called "tuition" or private tutoring.  Today is weekend and B3 has two tuition center to go to.  Morning two hours for learning Chinese comprehension and late afternoon, Chinese composition.  On week days, he has tutoring for English, Maths and Science.  So basically all the subjects that is counted in the PSLE, he has tuition.  I wonder what does the school teach.  How he does in exams depends on the tuition center he goes to.  The tuition centers hires all the young teachers.  They look like they are more capable or experienced than the teachers in school.  In fact, they look like young adults fresh out of school.  So if the best tuition centers can use "the girl-next-door" and is very effective and produced good exams scores for its student, why the main stream school cannot copy their programs.

The govt with all her resources is not as capable as the star tuition centers.  Ministry of Education should study the successful tuition centers and transfer the learning to mainstream school.  Meanwhile, my poor B3 is spending most of his waking hours shuttling from school to different tuition centers.

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