Saturday, October 20, 2012

NUS Law Scholar

Alvin Tan, the infamous NUS Law Scholar "8 reasons why living in Malaysia beats living in Singapore" is quite typical of Malaysian male.  Living a good life with low cost is the main attraction factor.  They admit crimes is an issue but as long as you know how to take care of yourself, it is fine.  They love the fact that you can get away with infractions by paying off the system.   The points raised by Alvin Tan well articulated and examples are clear. 

So while what Malaysian males loved the freedom and laissezs faire system, it is what we values more.  Safe environment is key priority for most Singaporeans.  We can go out at anytime of the day or night and need not worry about being robbed or mugged.  We need not worry about our kids getting kidnapped or our wives or daughters getting raped and murdered.  Maybe we become like "farmed animals" where we are always protected from predators.  We also know if we did something wrong, there is a heavy price.

I prefer Singapore where there is the rule of laws. Where the laws is fair to all - rich or poor.  I would love the variety of places to live like in Canada.  Earning a living can be difficult for some but most Singaporeans have good jobs and good income.  It is a home we can sleep in peace.  One my Malaysian colleague had her home broken into - in broad daylight and when there are people at home! 

Living in a safe and fair Singapore beats living in Malaysia for me.

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