Monday, October 15, 2012

New Bike

I have been wanting to get a "hybrid" bike for since B2's bike cannot be ridden with "no hands".  I am now capable of ridding with no hands and always wonders why my boys who is alot better at balancing could not do it properly on the yellow Raleigh bike.  I tried it myself and found it unstable.  I could ride it with no hands before.  B1 fell using the Raleigh bike a couple of times.  The alignment must be out after the crash.

So I thought it is good to replace the Raleigh with a new bike.  Time to refresh my "fleet".  I decided on hybrid which it not the electric hybrid, rather between a road bike and a mountain bike.  So when my regular bike is punctured by a screw, I go to my regular bike shop to replace the inner tube and look for the hybrid bike.  There were two models.  The more expensive model, $780 had a 8 speed gear that is housed in a cylinder.  It looked interesting.  Only problem is it is made in China.  The other hybrid is 18 speed made in Taiwan and cost only $500.  I decided to by the $500 model even though the ride on the 8 speed is not bad.  I am a little uncomfortable with only 8 speeds.  Climbing hills may be difficult.  Also save $280 in the process.

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