Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I forgot to write yesterday! I must be busy and in a hurry to pack up for my trip to Tokyo. I am now in Tokyo. My ex-colleague picks me up from Narita airport. My friend from Korea is in Japan at the same time and he arrived about half an hour earlier. He is staying in a hotel close by to my hotel. We travel together in a BMW stationwagon. My ex-colleague make sure he stopped smoking in the car for a few days to clear the smoke smell. It was actually not too bad as he spray anti-odour chemical as well.

Tokyo is a city full of lights. Quite like Hong Kong except the neon lights are more organised and less cluttered. It is very safe to walk about at night. Plenty of empty cabs. There are less pachincko shops in Ginza than TCAT. TCAT is Tokyo City Air Terminal which I used to stay. Ginza is more gitzy. Tokyo is just a concrete jungle. There are not trees or greenery. Small patches here and there, so unlike Singapore. Now I know why others say Singapore is not just a Garden City but a city in a garden. Although trees do fall during heavy thunderstorms and strong winds, it is a small price to pay for living in a garden.

I also noticed the female folks looked much better than before. Japanese women may be going for more cosmetic surgery to look better. As I do my usual stroll to explore the area surrounding my hotel, I realised it is not as busy as before. This is an indicator that the Japanese economy is not humming like before.

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