Monday, April 02, 2012

New Week

Today is the start of a new week. B2 will be going to school next week. He has been busy as an instructor for Robotics. He enjoys the work and helping out the students. The pay is low but the gratitudes he received from the students after they achieved top 3 positions in the competition gave him a big boost in his ego and sense of accomplishment. He is also happy he overachieve his saving target. I am glad he will be starting school soon. Waking late everyday is not a good thing. At least he was up early for work when the Robotics competition is on.

Meanwhile, B3's maths homework is stumping mummy and I was rope-in to help. The question goes like this - Abe, Thomas and Zach has some stamps. Abe has 1/7 of the stamps, Thomas has 1/7 of Zach. Zach gave away 70 stamps for Abe and Thomas to share. How many stamps did Abe has in the first place? I have not got this figure out yet. I shall do this question tomorrow.

The maths problem nowadays is tricky. I have no idea in real life this kind of calculations are needed.

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