Monday, February 13, 2012

3 Gratitudes Again

It is a long and tiring day. I go to the reporting center to report on the accident. The center advise to contact the witness and get a written report. According to them, many witnesses back out. I tried to call the witness and she did not pick up my call. Maybe she is busy. So I sms to her at about lunchtime and until now she has not replied.

I wonder about karma. I wonder about city life where people are afraid of getting involved or does not care about victims. Does living in the city make people more self-centred and unwilling to help strangers? Why is Singapore such a cold hearted place? Will Singapore be able to become a Gracious Society as outlined by Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong? I shall not delve on unhappy thoughts anymore...let's move on to the 3 gratitudes for the day.

1. In bringing B2 for his haircut at My Village in Serangoon Gardens, I met my brother who was there to eat his lunch. He invited me to dim sum lunch with him and his 3 girls tomorrow. I am happy to see him healthier than before and his relationship with his daughters improved drastically.

2. Simple pleasures. I enjoyed grocery shopping with B2. He had a Ramly Burger and he observed the huge amount of margarine used to cook the burger. After getting the burger, he told me he is not going eat Ramly Burger again. It is so unhealthy. I am happy to hear B2 observing how unhealthy his favorite food is.

3. Family. We ate dinner together and have good conversations during dinners. It is a great family tradition and foster closeness and strong relationship with our boys.

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