Monday, January 23, 2012

Pai Nee

Pai Nee is visiting and pay respects in Hokkien. My good friend asked me this morning if I was going to Pai Nee... I like to blog our tradition..

We all dressed up in the morning and our boys will Pai Nee with us first and get their first Ang Pow. Then we prayed to Laughing Buddha and sets off to the boys' grandparents to pai nee. There we will eat our first meal which is vegetarian. My boys will get lots of ang pows as their aunts and uncles will be there as well. My father-in-law is the eldest in the family. So he will also get other visitors like his younger brother's wife, her son, daugher-in-law and two grandsons.

After plenty of chit-chats and I have to nag at my wife to go home. Everytime she is at her mum's place, she is very reluctant to leave. She will keep talking and talking and talking to her sisters. We finally head home past 1pm. Once we reached, we have to prepare to host my sisters and their kids. I cut up a water melon and my wife cook chicken soup and warm up all the cakes she baked yesterday. She is happy they enjoyed the cakes.

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