Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My First Souvenir

Milan is the only city where there is a departmental store. All the major brands are housed there. At the basement, the floor is dedicated to design. Many small sections with each company displaying items of unique design. Everyday things are transformed in art pieces - cups, candle holders, bowls, pencils, pens and many other things. Nespresso is very busy. Plenty of customers buying coffee and coffee makers. The tiny cofffeemaker with the individual capsules look like modern art.

I like this section and will bring my boys there tomorrow so that they can experience how a 10¢ pencil or 30¢ pen can be transformed into one that cost a few dollars. It is low cost art but high value regular items. The premium is huge and profit margin high. But the volume will be low. It is the way of the future. We will the trending towards a world of what use to be - craftmen and artisans.

The award winning coffeemaker which I had earlier is also here. My wife saw a stainless steel model which is induction compatible. She like it a lot and insist we should buy it. A two cups model cost €43 and a four cups model cost €45. So guess which model is my first souvenir from Italy?


Anonymous said...

A four cups model cost €45. It's only different 2 euro.

BookLover said...

You guessed right! I preferred a two cup as I am not a coffee drinker. It is irresistiblento pay €2 more for a lot more stainless steel.