Saturday, December 17, 2011

Leaning Tower of Pisa

We rented a car with driver to bring us to the world famous leaning tower. Considering it status, it is hard to find. Our driver has to call a few times to get the road name so that he can punch it into the GPS. The tower is actually quite short. It was supposed to be part of the cathedral. The impressive thing is it is restored and looked so new and fresh. We went into the cathedral to pray and adjourned to the outlet mall.

The wind was gusty and strong. It is raining and not many shoppers are about. We see a few foreign shoppers around. They are in groups. Their mannerisms are so unmistakably Singaporean. Like my French neighbour says, we are obsessed with shopping! Only Singaporeans would shop in this weather.

The buildings in Italy are very unfriendly to pedestrians. They are either no overhang or so small that it offers no protection from the rain. The malls are a series of shop lots and you have to walk out each time you move from shop to shop. So shoppers have to get wet if it is raining. Italians do not believe in communal good. Cities in Asia are built differently. While the shops are individual, they are house in a building that protect you from the elements. Another observation. The amenities are scant. Very few toilets or eateries. The food choices is limited to only Italian food. Gelato and pizza everywhere. Even the ubiquitious McDonald is rare. No fried stuff. So it is heallthy living in Italy!

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