Sunday, September 11, 2011

Long, Dark and Winding Road

Sending B1 to his camp is a scary experience tonight. I followed the GoogleMap's route recommendation. The road was incredibly long and dark. I can hardly see it. It is two way one lane each and when there is a car coming from the opposite direction, I am not sure if it is coming towards our car on the same lane. It's been a long time since I drove in this kind of road. It is quite common in Canada as all the highways outside the build-up areas are not lit up. After driving well-lit streets and highways, it bring back memories of long trip in Canada in winter. However, the highways in Canada are wide and there is always a separator barrier for the traffic in opposite direction.

So after dropping B1 off, we decided to go by Lim Chu Kang Road leading to Jalan Bahar and then to PIE. This is way better with the road brightly lit. I have forgotten my own army experience. It was not scary after getting used to it. But a sudden change, it is the fear of darkness, accident and the unknown.

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