Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dramatic Improvement

My brother is now is a regular ward. The change is quite dramatic from being unconscious in CTSICU on Thursday evening to now able to complain about pain. He made remarkable recovery. His condition is still unstable. His potassium is low and is put on drip when I was there. The Central Venous Cava catheter is still in place. So setting up the drip is easy and fast. His drainage is quite full but does not need suction anymore. So his internal bleeding has slow considerably.

He can also ambulate or walk although there is still risk of falling. He is not so steady but I can see huge improvement in his condition. I hope he will take care of himself on his diet. He does not like the bland food in the hospital not realising all the flavourings are poisoning his cardiovascular system.

I hope he will live well for a long time.

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