Wednesday, June 01, 2011

The Happiness Hypothesis

I am listening to the audiobook but it seems like I am not registering the content well. Maybe it was the fighter planes making a lot of noise. Maybe my mind is just preoccupied. I only hear the "elephant and the rider". I have no idea what or who is the elephant or who is the rider. I remember cognitive therapy is a successful and went against the prevailing treatment that follows Freudian school of psychotherapy.
So to write more about this book I check out the book in the website. I realised why it did not register with me. It has a list of 10 ancient wisdom on life. I read all about them. So it did not offer me anything new or different. Just selecting what the author felt are the best ways to achieve happiness.
This book is highly recommended. So it is worth having a copy in your personal library.

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