Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Random Thoughts

I have been thinking and reflecting, reflecting and thinking nowadays. I need to brood and brood. I need to go for a holiday and practise meditation to calm my busy mind. Most of my team members are going for holiday next week as Vesak day falls on Tuesday. Taking one day leave, we can have a stretch of 4 days. Enough to go for tour or oversea holiday.

I am in an unpleasant situation where the pressure is intense. No matter how well we do, it is not enough. Demand is excessive and unreasonable. What can I do? What should I do? Should I continue or should I go? What is the world did change in 2012? Will all this matter?

How should I lead my life if it is going to end soon? This question is supposed to help me lead a fulfilling life. I asked this question a hundred times and I still cannot get to the answer. Why? Why do I worry about day-to-day life? Worry about the bills, worry about the boys, worry about everything and nothing. It is not a good state to be in.

How can I achieve "flow" as defined by Mike Cziksenmihalyi? Why my work which was giving me meaning become nightmare? Plenty of questions and more questions. I am still searching for answers.

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