Thursday, May 19, 2011


The change in the new cabinet is radical. Now there is a gimmer of hope that the government will have a little heart. It has been all intellectual and little regards for citizens left behind by the growth in economy. Grievances have been largely ignored in the interest of GDP growth and pro-business policy. Hard-headed Hard Truths is pretty strong medicine dished out by people who have multi-million salaries. I heard of a specific example of MP who give advice that is impractical for a relative. He need help to talk to the bank to stop interest payment for his credit card debts. The MP told him to get a higher paying job. Please note! It is told. He did not lift a finger to help him get a higher job. Dishing out advice rather than doing something. Then the MP continues... go to visit the bank during office hours. The relative responded he is not allowed to leave or take time off in his job. The MP think that the low level job his resident has is like his cabinet job - flexi-hour!

It is really really terrible to get insensitive MP who just give advices rather than help. I hope the change is positive. We shall see. I am skeptical as tigers do not change their stripes.

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