Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hard Truths to Keep Singapore Going

The dvd on the interview have snippets of the 32hours of interviews with LKY. There is an opinion that LKY has that I am skeptical about. The question is that scholars are in the cabinet does well but can they survive if they are in the private? Singapore practise the mandarin system of China of the past. In ancient China, there is an imperial exams every year. The top scorers are the top scholars and are given a govt job e.g. junior magistrate and are set for life as it is iron rice bowl. They will have income stream from the official position as well as from the public who needed official blessing(in other words, corruption). The journalist did point out the scholars rise quickly in military and civil service, the private sector is different. LKY shrugged his shoulders. He strongly believe those talents can get a job anywhere and do well in life. And that is that! I do not agree with this view. Plenty of "intellectuals" are good with theory and book learning but unable grasp the reality. Mandarins are good in the government and military organisations. The hierarchy and position of power is clear and defined. They are good at talking and giving their point of views. However, when it come to execution, they are ineffectual. I have a neighbour who is in the management committee. He talks well and give very good reasoning. Any task assigned to him does not get done. He is good at coming up with rationale or avoid discussing why the task did not get done such that he always "look good". In my humble opinion, I think not all mandarins can survive anywhere. Some will not be able to get anything done. Thus likely to be fired if they are senior employees or fail if they start their own business.

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