Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pleasant Flight

I had a good flight from LA to home. I could not sleep and read all the newspapers from cover to cover. Then the magazines, Newsweek, Harvard Business Review, Economist and Businessweek. I ran out of reading material!! I watched a Chinese movie which is really really unusual for me. A week may be too long for me to be immerse in the Angmo culture as Chinese movies is not my "thing". I prefers cars chase, mindless violent and the hero get the girl theme(learn this from the movie, Megamind). So off to the kitchen and disturb the poor cabin crews who have to put up with a alert and talkative passenger. I guess I was lucky as the flight stewardesses were Malaysian. Malaysians are open and warm. Maybe because they are from small town. Chief Steward was excellent probably because he is my age group and we can talk at the same wavelength. The other steward is a Singaporean and just listened intently and did not talk much. He is a typical reticent Singapore boy only answers when the question is direct specifically to him. I am so glad to land after being cooped in a confined space for 18 hours. Time to adjust back to local time.

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