Sunday, December 26, 2010


We spent the day interacting and catching up with friends. B1 and B2 classmates are here. I invited only Mike and we had a good chat and talk about other friends and how we are doing. My boys enjoyed the camaraderie and played games with their friends. My wife and I was just making food and feeding hungry mouths. This is one of the rare time my boys invite their friends over. I had to encourage them. I am very glad they did and we all had a great time. Even B3 played card games with both groups of friends. He was very happy just to interact with them. I am happy to see my boys socialising well and have good friends.
There is value and power of meeting in a group. B1's classmates learned about job search and what they need to do. It is amazing that the kids are not taught properly on job search. B1 found a relatively good temp job in a bank with monthly salary and benefits. His girl friend learned his bag of tricks and found a job which is close to her specs in a couple of days. Initially B1 still think his parents, yours truly included did not add much value. However, after our discussions, he admits reluctantly that we did help. He is an excellent learner and executor of instructions. It is easy to forget the basics that we told him to do.
Yes, he is lucky. He also need to recognise the little help he get along the way and appreciate and acknowledge them.

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