Friday, July 16, 2010


I will start taking my own advice and do a summary of editorial in the newspapers to improve my English. Yesterday was my first attempt. The editorial was from International Tribune.

I recall my English teacher, a Sikh with a turban. He was having trouble trying to teach us English. Finally after discussing with other English teachers, he come up with a solution i.e. to summarize the editorial comments in the Straits Times. I did not believe writing a summary two to three times a week would improve my English. I am a consummate reader but my written English is poor.

When the results for the final exams was out, my best friend, Tan Kun Hoo had an "A" in English. My result was the same as before "C". I was surprise by his improvement and he showed me the exercise book that has the cuttings of the editorial and his handwritten summary.

I had living proof it worked!

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