Monday, July 12, 2010

The Bourne Supremacy

I am sucker for action movies. It give me the adrenaline rush and give me the fantasy of being the Hero whom no baddies can kill. Tonight's Monday night movie on Channel 5, is The Bourne Supremacy. I have watched this movie several time as I own the dvd. I still do not get tired of watching this show. It is like the musical The Sound of Music. I watch it over and over again.

Nowaday, there are so many new movies, it is hard to catch up. The price of flat screen TVs have dropped. Now the LEDTVs which offer brighter and clearer pictures. 3D is new. Soon 3D prices will drop too. Technology keep advancing and price keep dropping.

The key is to wait until the product become mainstream. Otherwise it is poor value for money.

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