Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Importance of Living

Finally, I acquired this book by Lin Yutang. Hopefully, I will discover the joys of leaving things undone as promised in he cover of the book.

Talking about things undone, I have not been writing for a few days. I am up at 2am as the coffee after dinner is taking effect. Usually caffeine in tea or coffee do not affect me. Sometimes it does. Usually, something bothering me causing insomnia.

My middle son had a party in Science Centre as part of the RoboCan competition. His friends took a ride from us and they are all excited and charged up. He enjoys the party and feels that all the hardwork and stress of the competition is now worth it with this reward. On the way home, he and his friends were very animated and had a great time reviewing all the videos of the fun activities they had. I am very happy that he is joyful and had plenty of friends.

It is all quiet with sounds of raindrops falling onto our heliconia now and then. I enjoys the peace and tranquility of the night.

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