Saturday, May 01, 2010

Good Morning, Singapore

It is dark and early morning. The hooting of the pet bird is loud and noisy. EEEeeOOOOooo, EEEEeeOOOOooo. I wonder why the bird owner like this kind of bird. It is noise and not singing or music. At 6:40am the sky is turning to white and blue.

More and more bird chirping can be heard. Life is stirring as the day breaks and progress. I am enjoying the peace and quiet and writing.

Today is Labour Day. Japan has their golden week next week. China has three days off. Singapore? Well, we need to be more productive. So we have to work. I have plenty of work since business recovered.

Family is very important. Someone forward an email on a speech by CEO of Coca Cola. Work is a rubber ball,Family, Health, Friends and Spirit are glass balls. Rubber ball when drops, bounces back. Glass balls will get irrevocably nicked, cracked or even shattered. They will never be the same. We must strive to keep the balls in the air and not let it drop.

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