Monday, April 05, 2010

Paying Forward

Lee Wei Ling wrote about paying forward. She attended postgraduate Pediatrics course in Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto. She learns Adult ECG interpretations from a Dr. Blair who taught her without asking or knowing her background. He did not hesitate at his own personal time and when she asked if another two students can join in as well, he welcomed them.

Today, she is teaching others like what Dr. Blair unselfishly did for her and her classmates. It is one good deed begetting lots of good deeds as she had taught many students and continuing to teach more.

This is call paying forward. I have my own little good deed recently. I was taking the Light Rail Transit or LRT in Fernvale Point with my "baby" aka B3. A young girl tried to buy train ticket but her shiny and crisp plastic $10 note was not accepted by the machine. I inserted a two dollar note and it worked. She insisted on paying me with her $10 note. However, I do not have any change anyway. So I asked her to keep her $10 and help another one in need in future. It felt really good to do a good deed. Who say money cannot buy happiness!

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