Saturday, March 06, 2010


It is so hot today. The sky looks like there is an unhealthy level of smog. As I drive along CTE, everything seems normal. The road is busy with plenty of cars, buses and motorcycles. Birds are flying about. Yet, I wonder. I wonder if my senses are not sensitive enough. I wonder if the El Nino effects have on all living things. The reports on the news where water is running out in many places. The ships are trapped in the ice. Is it because of the increase in our ability to communicate such events due to technology or is it because there is a real increase in extreme weather patterns. Are the news reports slanted because of the editors and journalists increased awareness of the global warming issues? Or the long term trend is the Earth is getting exhausted?

There are many questions. I wonder and wonder. When will human race be wiped our due to our greed and callousness.

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