Thursday, February 11, 2010

Weight Issue

I have a passion for eating and very particular about my choice of resturant. My Japanese colleague had to walk with me a couple of round on two floors of resturant every time when it is meal time in Japan and still have I have hard time deciding. In Japan, the resturants are all very specialised unlike those in Singapore. In fact the resturants are similar to the hawkers. Every resturant is same as every hawker, specialise in one dish only. Tempura is only tempura and nothing else. Sushi resturant serves only sushi and tonkatsu has only tonkatsu. True, there are many different cuts of the pork, my complain is there is only deep fried pork. Ramen is only ramen and beef bowl has only beef and rice.

So after walking a few rounds, my poor and tired colleague finally says when it come to business you are very decisive. But when it comes to food...his voice trail off.

Why am I giving a discourse on resturants in Japan? Well it is weight issue that I am concern with. Chinese New Year is upon us and I have bought lots of food. I love the cookies and tidbits. Munchie monster like me has a hard time maintaining my weight. My medical checkup says I need to reduce by 10 cm. I have not made any progress. Sigh! So much for my resolution.

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