Sunday, January 17, 2010

Success Intelligence

I am listening to the audio version of this book. An example is quite interesting. A survey was done in US on money and happiness. In US, salary is annual unlike in Asia where the convention is monthly. The question is how much more money will make you happy. For people earning $30K/yr, they think if they are making 50K/yr, they will be very happy. For people earning $50K/yr, they think if they $100K/yr it will make them happy. For people earning $100K/yr, they think if they make $250K/yr it will make happy. For people earning $250K/yr, they think if they make $1million/yr, they will be happy.

You see, money is never enough and the more you make the bigger the gap to make yourself happy. It is a never ending chase. We must learn to be happy with what we earn and what we have.

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