Saturday, January 16, 2010

Be Careful when shopping in Borders

I was very happy to go to Borders today for 30% advertised in the Straits Times as well as the email blast. After I paid, I checked on my bill and found that the 30% discount was NOT given at all. Only the regular 10% member discount. I went back to the counter and the cashier told me the advertisement was a mistake, however he will give me the discount anyway. So my transactions were reversed and then reapplied with the discounts i.e.30% and additional 10%.

I thought it is not nice of Borders to do this to their customers. I find it hard to believe that it is a mistake since it is both advertised in today's Straits Times as well as sent by email. Even if it is a mistake, the management should take immediate action to make good the advertised sales rather than let only Customers who saw the discount and ask about it before honoring the advertisement.

It is poor etiquette and not honorable and will destroy Customer's trust. I do not know how many were taken in. I suspect most people do. This is not the company I can trust now and have to check every time I pay.

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