Saturday, September 19, 2009

In Search of Idleness

I just crack open this book which I bought in Shanghai in my trip two weeks ago. The author is Bertrand Russell, a British Philosopher. The first few pages is an interesting introduction for "new" generation like me. In the old days, peasants and farmers work on the farms growing and producing enough food for themselves and some surplus. The surplus is taken by warriors and "lords". This system create a class that can be idle. That is there is no necessity to produce food for subsistence.

In this aspect, I belong to the idle class. I have never ever produce any food before except for my recent forays into vegetable gardening.


boh tong said...

aiya u are not idling la otherwise u wont have fallen and broke your limb..hehehe

BookLover said...

Hey BT, you are right. I read the introduction again. There are two classes of workers. One who till the land and the other supervisor those who till the land. I belong to the latter...:);)