Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Good Recovery

I have my first followup with the surgeon who operated on my wrist. It was complicated fracture. My ulnar bone broke into a few pieces. They have to figure out if they how to shift the bones or do some other type of surgery. The reason is I broke my wrist differently. Most people broke their wrists when they break their fall with their palm. Mine was broken when I landed on the back of my hand. It also mean that I had no time to react to break my fall.

The surgeon was happy with my progress. I have 50% bending capacity 9 days after surgery. He feels it is good progress as most according to him will still be in pain and have more restricted movement. When I visited the physiotherapist, she said the same thing. So I am blessed. It may also be my knowledge of surgery. I used to sell orthopedic equipment. So learn the basic of orthopedic surgery and post-surgical care. I have to keep exercising even if it is painful.

The removal of the 3 stitches in the middle of the surgical site was intensely painful. It keep ozooing out plasma and exudates. He says it is the pressure inside. I think it probably infected as he prescribed antibiotics.

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