Friday, June 26, 2009

Hissing Black Cobra

A 1.2 metre long hissing black cobra entered my neighbour's house. Luckily, the owner saw it at the landing going into the powder room. It was panic time! We called our pest control to capture the snake. It was hiding in behind swimming floats. The pest control smear sticky rubber used to catch rats on the hook and smeared the snake with rubber to slow it down in case it tried to escape. Cobras are fast movers.

I understand from my colleague who had plenty of experience and exposure to snakes living in the rural Malaysia, cobras do not live alone. If it is brown in colour, it is more dangerous. Brown colour indicates king cobra and if injured and escape will come back and hunt down whoever injures it for revenge. Cobra do not live alone. So there are others lurking.

This is panic time...


Anonymous said...

wah lau u live in the jungle or what?

BookLover said...

The problem is jungle is cleared to build more HDB flat. So snakes are chased out of their hunting ground.