Saturday, May 23, 2009

Down and Out

Sorry for not updating my blog in the past few days. I was down with flu. Tuesday night, I did not sleep well. I thought maybe it is the hotel bed. On Wednesday, my discomfort increase as the day wears on. By dinner time, I felt really bad and lost my appetite.

I bought some medicine from the Pharmacy. In Thailand, antibiotics can be bought without prescriptions. I had zithromax and a spray for my throat. The antibiotics do not work. I was coughing all night long and all my involuntary muscles are strained and in pain. I was shivering while my body is feverish. I felt like I am dying.

I returned home earlier than scheduled and went to see my family physician. I am feeling better now. I am so glad to be home.

While I am so sick, non of my boys asked how am I or do anything to make sure I am comfortable. I told my wife we should adopt a daughter so that we will have some one to care for us when we get old.

1 comment:

BT said...

U are down but not out cheer up!