Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What do I want to do before I die?

I just bought a book with a collection of essays by ordinary folks answering this question. I have read a couple of articles and find it interesting enough to buy and own this book. Come to think of it, I have not really thought of this question? I do have many dreams. One of them is to own a business. It is better to be head of a chicken than tail of a bull - Ceylon Proverb. In a big company, my boss had wise saying "Unless you are the head elephant, everyone else view is the same".

Beside, owning my own business, what else do I really want to do before I die? I think hard. I do not have a travel bug or desire to travel around the world or play golf all day long. I am not so altruistic as to volunteer my time to charity. I love to teach and train. I enjoys being a coach. I wanted to learn to fly model plane. I want to want my sons grow up and keep my wife company. I enjoys reading and learning. I am doing many of these activities now.

What is it that I would like to do so that I am fulfilled when I move on to heaven in peace? Maybe have another home so that I have live in two different country. Canada is a good place with four seasons. I understand Northern Thailand is good too. Maybe a home that is self-sufficient in energy with windmill and solar to power all my modern comforts and reduce my imprint on earth and leave the world a better place.

I am rambling here. What would you like to do before you die?

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