Monday, June 23, 2008


I dusted off the bicycle for my boys and sprayed WD40 on the bearings, pumped up the tyres and now I have a new way of keeping fit. Cycling! The only problem is I am still learning how to ride a bicycle properly. Yeah! you read correctly. I am learning to ride. Just a couple of weeks ago, I hurt my left wrist trying to learn roller blade (note: trying to learn). Now that my wrist is improving (it still hurts when I put pressure on it like when I am balancing myself on the bike), I am on to my next learning adventure. For Malaysian readers, I know it will befuddle your minds and reinforce your impressions of incompetent and incapable of fun of the city bred boys from Singapore.
Hate to admit this, girls and ladies from Malaysia! Boys and men from Singapore are good at mugging and taking exams and short on basic life skills like canoeing, mountain climbing, cycling, roller blading, etc. However, in Bill Gates' 10 rules of life one of the rule is do not laugh or bully nerds, you are likely to work for one when you leave school.

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