Saturday, May 17, 2008

Long Queues, Super Long Queues

There are many queues, many long queues today. It is crazy. Everyone is queuing up to buy books in Kinokuniya. I overheard an interesting conversation, 2 men and a woman standing together looking at the queue and books with a different eye. "Revolutionary Wealth, the books do not run out. They have stacks in different places. They also keep it in their warehouse nearby and replenish very quickly...." Then the group decided to walk to observe another section. It is interesting. The 3 must be working in the book retail. Maybe MPH or Borders. Whoever they are, they are absolutely right to come to Kinokuniya and observe the successful promotion and merchandizing. I hope they learn and counter well. I would love the book scene to get even more competitive. Borders start it, then lose out to Kinokuniya. MPH and Times are now a distant third.

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