Friday, March 14, 2008

50 Prosperity Classics

This is starting to be a series like the Chicken Soup for the Soul. The first book was 50 Self-Help Classics. It was a huge success and I enjoyed reading the succinct, condensed idea of each book. Then 50 Success Classics and 50 Spiritual Classics. Before this 50 Prosperity Classics is 50 Psychology Classics. So now there are 5 books or a total of 250 Classics books and ideas you can read. I have read many of the books that are in the "classics" category. Reading the condensed version give a brief idea and some history of the author. Reading the book itself give a totally different sense. When a book is well written, it sound so commonsense. The Good-to-Great is a prime example. Jim Collins wrote about companies who have turn for a "good" company to a "great" company. His opening statement is "good is the enemy of great". The reason for so few companies that are great is because they are good enough. Great company gives huge stockholders return i.e. stock price go up a lot higher than good company. Great Companies are like hedgehog who does one thing well. They have a selfless leader who has great ambition for the company and not himself, a level 5 leader.
Warren Buffet is a good example of the Level 5 leader. His pay is only US100,000 per year. His performance measure by stock price is huge.
I would recommend reading 50 Prosperity Classics. You will become wealthy in the process.

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