Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Service Industry

It is really hard to be a service staff. Paid to serve rather pay to be served. Service is the key touchpoint between the company and the customer. My favourite airline is SQ - the service is good, food is ok, some of the girls are pretty, most destinations out of Singapore and of course the frequent flyer points. I enjoys chatting with the girls and the senior stewards. It helps break the monotony of the flying. I know chatting part of their job because they are always polite and willing to entertain my small talks.

I cannot imagine getting slapped hard just because I am doing my job. I heard from "inside" sources that it was the man who went to the gallery to talk. This add insult to the injury as the recipient of the mega tight SLAP on the face was not the initiator of the chat.

I support the stewardess who sued and get redress for the humiliation and emotional distress. Hopefully, she win big and send a signal out to all the jeolous pots to watch out. Just because you have the money does not mean you can throw your weight around.

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