Friday, February 22, 2008

Edison Chen dethrone Casanova

With 1300 photos of rich and famous women nude and in various compromising positions, Edison Chen will go into history records. He has dethrone Casanova by a huge margin. He bring the term "playboy" to a new height, a level which will be hard to match not to say breach. He did what Tiger Wood has done in golf but in Sexploits.
He admits the photos were taken by him in the press conference and is articulate in his Canadian accent. While he say he is not the role model, I am sure many in the audience around the world especially aspiring actors now have a clear standard who to beat to reach the peak.
While I do not condone his acts or behaviour, I salute to his "achievements". He has in business speak "changed the rules of the game". It is a solid "Blue Ocean".

Edison, "heal your soul". You will get a lifetime achievement award in the far future.

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