Sunday, September 16, 2007

Inspired to ....

Straighten up my book shelves. I have no idea why. I look at the my bookshelves and decided it is too messy. Books and files are mixed together. Cds and dvds are arranged neatly on the shelf but some are stack horizontally in the available space. The different shapes and sizes of the various format of cds, cassette tapes and dvd covers make shelf very uneven giving it a very untidy look.

Now I am admiring my own handiwork. All the cds of the same format are now arranged vertically and a straight row. Books of the same height are in the same shelf. Files are put together and loose papers and ring binded sets of papers are stacked in a separate. It is a pleasure to look at. I wonder how can I stand looking at the eyesore for so long?

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