Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Pig That wants to be Eaten

Was having some thoughts during breakfast. I was thinking of this book and how farm animals feel. If the pig just eat, sleep and grow, how would it feel? Really bored and waiting for death to be salvation? Do you remember or know the movie, Logan's Run? In this movie, there are no old people. Once you reach certain age, you will be summon to a machine who will suck up all the humans and convert them in food or energy.
Thought experiment - pretend you are an animal in the farm. You are ignorant and you are doing everything you know. Would you know any better? The animals in the farm make love and have fights. They are doing everything in their in their natural state. How would you feel? Eating, living and growing...eventually provide energy and growth of the being that farm you.

Ignorance is bliss. I may also feel I am part of a greater good to be food of someone else.

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