Friday, May 04, 2007

Hurray! The Weekend is Here Again

TGIF! The time to do shopping, bring kids for tuition, have late lunch, long lunch, browse books at bookstore, laze around or simply doing nothing. Yes, no more deadlines, get this done, do that, ask why, justify why and rushing around like a chicken with its head chopped.

Is your office like a zoo or mad house? Weekend is the best time to shift gears. Yipee! Time for sanity.


Anonymous said...

BL..Why don't you put google ads around yr blog. U blog so regularly and it will be easy to earn some $$ from the ads.
Just click on my google icon that says "This site monetised by googles adsense" above my skype.Sign up with yr email address and follow the instructions.Google crawlers will put up the ads for u and when yr readers click on the ads. google will pay u...Try n u got nothing to lose n everything to
Cheers to Teh halia!

Anonymous said...

BTW is yr blogger the new blogger or old?

Anonymous said...

BT, I have signed up. Thanks for the guiding me. I hope not too many ads show up. My blogger is new. Initially, it was very slow that I regret switching over. Now, it is fine.

Terima kasih, BT.

Anonymous said...

BL..what do u mean by "I hope not too many ads show up"?..Hey the more ads show up the better for u what.
Relevant ads on books matter may far I still don't see any ads on yr page? It should be there by now.

BookLover said...

I remember one of your reader commented there were too many ads in your blog. I thought Google says it will take two days?

Anyway, I hope I can earn my teh halia soon:)