Saturday, April 07, 2007

One and half day and counting...

I have not check my work email for one and half day. Ha-ha, this is great achievement for me. I am obsessive-compulsive when it come to work. I am getting my life back. Over time, everything will stablise at a new steady state. I had observed there are several long term employees in the company. They work like government employees. Time in and time out. I realise in order to survive long term, this has to be the right attitude. Other employees who are good have move on to greener pastures.

The choice is simple - clock in and clock out your time. Otherwise leave the company and do something else. If you are in-between then you are just earning frustration for yourself doing a great job with steadily less rewards and more work. Otherwise, be in the group that will get moved and promoted regularly such as expatriates.

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