Monday, April 02, 2007

Life After Life

Raymond Moody, MD is a doctor who investigated into people who have "died" and revived in the hospital. He found that there is a common thread after interviewing the patients. In the West, the common belief is once you die, you are gone forever or you have gone to heaven or hell. Heaven for those who believe in Christ and Hell for those who are not Christians. This is a simplistic generalisation. Science has a clear answer for death. The body is no longer alive and nature will break it down and give life to other living organisms such as bacteria, worms or plants.

Raymond Moody compare the experience of different patients who have the NDE or near death experience. All says they can see and hear the doctors working on their body. Many see a light and a tunnel. Some who are further into the process go into the Hall of Memories where the current life is fast forward from baby to their current state. Some saw dead relatives waiting for them, others see angels. After being revived, all felt that chasing for money or power are not going to help them with their life. Helping others is the most important thing to do. Many have changed their priorities after the NDE.

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