Sunday, March 25, 2007

Superb Sunday, Manic Monday

Sunday, God take a rest after busy for the first 6 days creating heaven, earth, man and all the things we know. At least this is the first few paragraphs of the bible tells us.

Sunday is a rest day for our family as well. We did not create heaven neither did we do all the wondrous things God did. However, like all other regular city folks, we worked and our kids worked in school. It is a good day of enjoying the freedom to do what we like. The boys played computer games, shoot basketball and some homework. B3 play with his swing racer and swim. My wife read the Sunday Times and do whatever she does. I relax at the poolside reading the papers and a book.

Yes, tomorrow is Manic Monday, sorry Sumiko Tan, I plagarize your headline. Yes, I am so "sian".


Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

To me everyday is Sunday..hehehe :)

BookLover said...

No wonder you are such a happy guy. I am waiting for that day too:)