Saturday, February 03, 2007

Up Early

In the last few mornings, I have woke up earlier than usual. I am thinking of the various reason why. The first time mid-week may be due to stomach upset from the dinner. Yester-morning? I woke up and started to pen my thoughts before sending my boys to school. Here I am again, me with the radio for company typing my thoughts out.

Waking up early is a sign of something troubling me. Thinking logically, I try to figure out why? Is it because I sleep early last night? I had a strong yin-yang(tea and coffee mixed with milk) at Ah Kun, my favorite franchise coffee shop at 9pm. The caffeine kick did nothing. I was in bed by 10:30 and went to dreamland shortly after. Am I worried about my team's performance? I am cynical about functional silos and keen control that stifles the employees' abilities to act on behalf of the business. So I worry not.

Did I wake up early because I slept early? After all, it is a total of 7 hours of shut eye. My usual bed time is between 11pm to 12am - closer to 12 and up by quarter to 7 to send my boys to school. Waking up by alarm and dragging myself out of the bed, my body is quite reluctant to get up usually.

How about the day itself? Yesterday was not routine. Reporting deadline with new reports requirements, new boss, different accountant, everyone running around like chickens with their head chopped. Adenaline was flowing freely in our organization. Maybe, mental exhaustion. This may account for sleeping early and not waking early.

Whatever it is, I have not figure out. All I am experiencing right now is the cool dark morning, peaceful, windy and distant barking of dogs. Family sleeping, computer and I interacting, radio speaking softly... sigh! peace on earth.

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