Thursday, February 15, 2007

Predatory Goldfishes

I take back my words on the goldfishes too slow to taste live seafood. I observes the fishes quietly. I am surprised by the docile goldfishes who waggles their tails and moving slowly are predatory. They have pack hunting instinct. The goldfishes will gather the fry together moving slowly. Then with an invisible signal they attack! coming from all directions. I saw a black colour goldfish gulping in a small fry. It seem very cruel to eat a baby. I felt sorry I put the fishes together thinking they will live in harmony. It is survival of the fastest and fittest. I worry if the goldfishes will eat them all up. So I feed them with the goldfish pellets. Hopefully, they prefer the easy meal rather than tasty live seafood.


Anonymous said...

BL..I thought cats eat fish but fish also eat fish..hehehe. I didnt know you like catching fishes. Nice hobby and its good to interact with yr sons in this manner...sort of bring you all closer to each other.

BookLover said...

BT, fresh fish is better than kiam hee!

It is quite fun to catch fishes. Time with my boys are invaluable. This is quality time!