Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Jobs getting less secure worldwide: UN

UN report that young people are increasingly unable to get a foothold in the global labour market. The rapidly ageing workforce is enjoying less and less job security - Straits Times Friday, 9 Feb 2007.

Free Agent Nation address this issue. The norm in future will be self-employed microbusiness with unstable income. The freedom and the creativity allowed will added colour to the new economy. Jobs will still be around as hospital will continue to need nurses, school will need teachers, airline will need our Singapore Girl, etc. Don't forget the Government, the largest employer will need workers aka iron rice bowl. Financial management will be important skill for the workforce of the future. It is important to manage finances when income is irregular or too much or too little. Financial consultant will be in demand.

"Stiff competition under increased globalisation has led to reduced job security, a reduction in job-related benefits and a diminished role for organised labour."

"Precarious working conditions are now the rule rather than the exceptions in many contexts."

So whether you are ready or not, whether you like it or not, you may have to become free agent. The world is going back to a circle. Before organised labour, this was how it were. You don't go and find a job. You go and work for a baker or iron smith or farmer. You become an apprentice. After you learn the skills, you leave to do your own business. When your business start to grow, you hire apprentices and teach your trade. Apprenticeship is not a job, it is school or on-the-job training.

The old world is fast becoming our Brave New World.


Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

V. good article BL....well done!
Btw do u think my postings of oldies videos put ppl off?
Yr comments plse.

BookLover said...

BT, thanks for the compliments.

I went to your blog and have a look. I am not sure if it will put people off. However, it is a deviation from your airline theme. I like the flow of your blog with the stories and advert all tied together.

Anonymous said...

'stories and advert all tied up...'?? what do u meant? so videos spoils the flow? :)

BookLover said...

Stories are on cabin crews and pilots. Advertisements on cabin crews and flying. Readers who like the stories usually have interests in flying as a vocation. So the advertisement give the a chance to try out. If your videos is on flying or aircraft safety and some are, it will go well with the flow:)

Anonymous said...

Thanks BL..u are right and I have moved all the song videos to http://bohsong1.blogspot.com