Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Inconsiderate, Self centred Clods

It is unpleasant and tough to have a neighbour who disturb peace and party loudly till wee hours of the morning when the whole neighbourhood is quiet and need to go to school or work the next day. This neighbour who use the visitor carpark lot as if it is her own to park her second car all the time such that genuine visitors are robbed of their rightful car park space.

It is close to half past 11 now and they are still screaming "HUAT AH!!" in unison. While they talking out loudly and laughing loudly and enjoying themselves, they making a huge nuisance of themselves. The best part is they think they are making the neighbourhood very "lau lat"(busy in Hokkien). It just take one rotten apple to spoil the whole barrel. My beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful castle has been marred by one lousy neighbour.

It was a peaceful period during bird flu and I wish to have peace and quiet in our neighbourhood again. I pray peace and quiet again. It may be bad karma, let's hope bird flu will strike again at the right spot.

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