Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Blessed by Work and School

It was hard to get up this morning after getting used to getting up late for the last few days. Boys have to go to school. Traffic is back to normal busy state. After B1, B2 and B3 were off to school, it is teh halia time. Market is busy too. Guess everyone is up like me.

First work day! Reports to write and send, emails to reply and follow-ups to do. It is not in full swing yet as many in the office is still out on vacation. It is nice to get into the swing of things. Work and worries, issues and resolution, plans and execution, yup! Time to put my brain to test again.

I always look forward to Mondays. In Canada, this is seen as abnormal. The norm is to have a life after work and celebrate the weekends. On Mondays, we spend the morning talking about what we have done on the weekends or on hockeys. This is an important cultural requirement in the workplace. Otherwise, it will be difficult to integrate. I was always seen as the one who "cut to the chase". No warming up, just go straight to the point.

One of my supplier asked me during dinner what is my hobby?, what do I do in my free time? Work! Work is play for me:)


Anonymous said...

Do you work from home or the office,BL?

BookLover said...

I work from home. Office is in KL which I spend about 30 days a year. Good arrangement!

Anonymous said...

Wow That is an ideal arrangement can to AMK for teh halia more often rite?

BookLover said...

Yup! You got it! I have a friend who is very envious of my job...

Anonymous said...

Wow, u really have a great job. Can spend time with family, save transport cost and work at the comfort of your home. :)

BookLover said...

SL, it is actually more comfortable in the office because of aircond, colleagues, food, small talks, pretty faces(male & female), etc, etc, etc. But you can decide on the music or silence rather whatever HR decides for the office environment:)